My husband of over 8 years (Joe) and I take Deuteronomy 6 very seriously. Starting in verse 7 it states, "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them while you sit down in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise". It's for this very reason that we strive (though imperfectly) to be a home based on God's Word, constantly working on Godly living and principles. It is also for this reason we choose to homeschool our kids (that, combined with the fact that we travel a lot with Joe's job, and this allows us the flexibility to travel and see new places as a family). I don't believe a teacher could care for my child's soul the way I do. I would be lying if I said every day was perfect, but we work through, and we have such a good time learning & laughing together! It is so gratifying to watch your child expanding their knowledge-to see the "light bulb" go off in their head!
Our family loves Disney. I could go on about this for quite awhile, but I think I will just leave it at the fact we've been 9 times to either Disneyland or World since September of 2005. Told ya....=)
Before organic was "the thing", it was my thing! I love Chiropractic, it has helped our family in so many ways (and kept Joe from back surgery). I prefer herbs over medication, and I like to juice fruits & veggies and make homemade smoothies. For some reason, this is what a lot of people know me for. We won't even go into vaccinations...
Joe is truly a man of God. What I love about him is that what you see is what you get. There is no phony exterior. He is a humble servant of the Lord, and I am thankful God allowed me to marry such a wonderful Christian man. He is the Editor of a Christian teen magazine, and conducts seminars for teens and parents (thus, our traveling).
I am proud to be a stay-at-home mommy raising the most precious beings God entrusted to us. I have a problem with wanting to be perfect, but I can safely say that probably won't ever happen, so I probably should just let it go and realize I've got 3 kids. =)
Colton is 6 going on 16. He has grown up around teenagers, and thinks he is one. When he was 3 he told my dad so. =) He is so much like me and my dad it's scary. He is a smart little guy, athletic, and currently a junior yellow belt in Tiger Rock Taekwondo (he already completed the cubs program). He has one blue eye, one green eye-seriously, it's very cool. I love his caring heart. My "Coco-butter".
Michala is more like the Wells side of the family. She has red hair like her grandma Cindy, and a great laugh. I love the way in which she asks me questions. She loves purses and dress up, but she'll play with the boys and be disheveled by the end of the day. She has beautiful blue eyes, and loves her "baby" (MY baby). She loves to learn, but sometimes won't let on that she is understanding until she needs to use it in the future. She's our "Punkin-doodle".
Camden is our baby. He'll be 8 months old tomorrow. They always grow up too fast. He is also going to have red hair (unless it decides to change), and has beautiful blue eyes. He is a happy little guy (unless in the car!). He bounces and cackles at his big brother, who LOVES to make him laugh. Camden loves the Johnny Jump-Up and being held. This is why he won't ever roll (even though he knows how), because he doesn't want to be put down! This last week he's done better and started scooting backward. It won't be long before the crawling begins! He has 2 teeth on the bottom, 2 just broke through on the top, and he's getting 2-5 more. Ouch! This doesn't always feel so good when you're nursing!
Well, I didn't intend to write a book, but here it is after midnight, and I'm typing away. I know one day I'll look back and be glad I did! (Even if no one else will take the time to read this novel!) Tomorrow we are driving to Oklahoma, and I hope to figure out how to down load pictures without killing my computer.
From now on I will do pictures with short blurps. =)